I am in charge of the development and maintenance of the Bifrost Multichain Observer, a critical component within the BIFROST Network's infrastructure. This system serves a tri-fold purpose:
Observing and storing event data related to Bifrost Bridge contracts into a database.
Aggregating and providing this data through a REST API.
Monitoring and identifying abnormal situations within the bridge infrastructure.

Architectural Diagram of the Bifrost Multichain Observer
Key Responsibilities and Contributions
- Development and Maintenance: Solely responsible for the creation and continual upkeep of the Multichain Observer, built with Python3 and using the FastAPI framework with uvicorn.
- Data Flow and Storage: Designed to observe and persist events data from Bifrost Bridge-related contracts into a MariaDB (MySQL) database, ensuring reliable and accessible storage.
- API Endpoint Provision: Aggregated the observed data and provided it through a robust REST API, fostering accessibility for internal systems.
- Abnormal Situation Detection: Implemented monitoring mechanisms to detect anomalies or irregularities within the Bifrost Bridge, facilitating proactive intervention when necessary.
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